Book Note: Dreams of Gods and Monsters
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
I did read about three chapters, though.
And I confess: my excitement sort of dwindled. Because it opens with a character named Eliza, who is a normal human woman. A scientist who happens to have some terrifying nightmares, but I was sort of...annoyed, I guess. I didn't want a new story or a new character. I wanted to step right back into the story I'd left at the end of Days of Blood & Starlight.
So maybe it was good that I had a vacation wherein I re-read all of Atwood's Maddaddam trilogy, because it gave me some time to distance myself from my expectations.
I picked up Dreams of Gods & Monsters the day after I got home. And then I couldn't put it down.
I'm not sure what I was expecting out of the story of Karou and Akiva. I was hoping it would wrap up in a way that didn't bother me—nothing too convenient. I wanted it to stay a little bit edgy and dark. And, you didn't let me down. Once I made myself accept that I would need to enter Eliza's story as well as the others, I was enchanted.
Of course, I can't tell you exactly what happens, because that would spoil the first two books. But I will say this: they go back to Eretz. We get to enter the Kirin caves (which dismayed me just a little bit, because they were so evocative of Moria for me, but that is a minor quibble), understand what the Stelian tribe of angels is up to, and get a larger picture of the history of the worlds and how they are connected. We get more romance (another confession: some of this was overwritten to me; I kept reminding myself of the intended audience, which isn't a 42-year-old cynic who dislikes romance), and the possibility of a love triangle is resolved. We get more Zuzana and Mik.
Most importantly, things do wrap up, but not in a way I had anticipated. It felt like big storytelling to me—not just the small stories. Why are there portals between Eretz and earth? How do myths and religions influence our decisions? How does fate? Stories are brought to a close, but it isn't extremely tidy. You can imagine the story going on after you set the book down.
I kept thinking of this article while I finished up this YA trilogy. It decries the habit of adults reading YA fiction on the grounds that we can do better—that we can push ourselves to read harder, more meaningful things. And while Laini Taylor's books aren't exactly hard, at least not in the sense of reading ability, they still have big ideas in them. They still make you think, and that is something I look for in whatever I read.
So! If you are looking for a good, long, well-written fantasy that is mostly non-Tolkien derivative, with only a small love triangle that doesn't overwhelm the story, that's edgy and interesting and takes you to Rome, this is it. Happy reading!
I was so satisfied with the ending of the trilogy. Like you said, you could picture how it would go on. It wasn't too tidy. And, your comment about Moria made me laugh. (I didn't feel the same, but I can see why you did!)
And: now I can say it. The part of Rome that they were in, when they were in their fancy hotel? It was right by those hotels that we went in, the ones on the Piazza Della Rupublica; we walked exactly there! I think my favorite parts of the book were when they were in Rome; just being able to picture where they were in real life and not my imagined version of Rome was a highlight of the book.
Posted by: Becky K | Wednesday, June 25, 2014 at 07:46 AM
Did you mean to provide a link to the article decrying adults reading YA because that sounds like an interesting read? Do share.
Posted by: Wendy | Wednesday, July 02, 2014 at 09:59 AM