Yes, I know: we are 78% the way through January and it’s a bit late to be writing a year-in-review post. But, I still am writing it because, you know. I just want to. Tomorrow I am planning on writing another post that is probably late, too, but it’s OK. I’m late for this, I’m late for that, when I die I’ll be on time.
Actually, I mostly want to write it because last week, Kendell and I went out to dinner together and I all of a sudden was full of ideas for a question-based year-in-review post so I started taking notes in my purse notebook (what? You don’t have a purse notebook?) and he was like, “what are you writing?” and then I felt a little guilty for interrupting our conversation with my blog pre-writes, so hopefully this blog post will go viral (how could it not? It is sheer blogging genius) so I can stop feeling guilty.
2016 in Review:
- What is one of your favorite pictures from the beginning of the year?
Jake and Nathan went skiing at Sundance. I LOVE this pic!
- What kind of technology did you use?
At the start of the year, I had the Samsung S6, but when Haley’s phone was stolen in Paris, she took over that phone and I got the S7. It’s gold, which I wasn’t sure I’d like…but I do! Still using my Canon 60D, but it needs to be serviced as it cannot get the white balance correct no matter what I do. And, I still use my ancient purple MP3 player for music when I’m running. Oh, and, I discovered the happiness that is a Bluetooth speaker. I might own two!
- Did you go to any weddings?
Yes, my niece Hilary got married and we also went to a few for family friends.
- Did you go to any funerals?
Not this year.
- A favorite outfit or piece of clothing from 2016?
I actually bought myself some shorts this summer, which is notable because I HATE BUYING SHORTS. But they weren’t my favorite. I wore a lot of black, as usual, and my favorite new piece of clothing is the Tshirt I bought at the British Library in London, with a sketch from Johnny Rotten on the front. It makes me happy in 1 million ways.
- A favorite movie from 2016?
I didn’t LOVE it when I saw it…but I have grown more and more fond of The Witch. And I really loved Arrival. We didn’t see a ton of movies last year though.
- Did you read more or less in 2016?
It felt like I read less, but actually when I counted it up, it was about the same. It just was an underwhelming reading year. You can see my reading list right HERE.
- Five songs that will, whenever you hear them, instantly make you remember 2016?
- “If God Will Send His Angels” by U2. I listened to this on repeat on election night.
- “Closer I Am to Fine” by The Indigo Girls. I listened to a lot of their songs last year; I have loved this song since it came out in 1989 and the fact that it still doesn’t feel tired to me is pretty cool I think.
- “Wish That You Were Here” by Florence + the Machine. This was on the Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children Nathan told me about it weeks before the movie even came out. “I never minded being on my own, then something broke in me and I wanted to go home.” Love.
- “Love Yourself” by Justin Bieber. I know. I KNOW!!! How can a J.B. song be on my list? But Kaleb loved this song when we were on our trip in Ohio, so every time it came on the radio (and it came on the radio a LOT), we’d turn it up and sing along. One of my favorite memories is of driving on the narrow causeway road between Sandusky and Cedar Point in a rain storm, with the waves splashing and the sun a sort of bleary smear in the clouds, singing this song and laughing.
- “Lazarus” by David Bowie. Yes on those hidden scars. How long has it been since a Bowie song has been on heavy repeat on my speakers? A long time.
- What did you watch on TV?
Way too much. The Walking Dead and that last, cliff-hanger episode is so wrapped up with Kendell’s cardiac arrest that I almost couldn’t watch the fall season. And then the fall season got here and it was so brutal. I might have reached my limit. I mean…I didn’t ENJOY watching it, it felt like it gave me PTSD, why am I doing this to myself? Because I love Michon? I don’t know. Also: Vikings, The Americans, Code Black (I am a sucker for medical shows, I confess), Call the Midwife. Sad that Penny Dreadful ended but solace in the fact that they wrapped it up well.
- What political or social events influenced your life in 2016?
The election, of course. So many famous people’s deaths. The Dakota Access Pipeline (just say no!).
- What did you do on Easter?
My sister took my mom on a trip, which meant we didn’t have our usual family party, which meant I was pissed off and annoyed but trying to hide it, and Kaleb was sad. Haley came home with some friends to eat dinner with us (we had manicotti because vegetarians) before going to the Color Festival; Jake, Nathan, and Kaleb had Easter baskets.
We always take a line-up-like-turtles picture on Easter, tallest to shortest. Wonder when Kaleb will start moving up the line?
- Restaurants you ate at often?
We’ve sort of developed a habit of going to Chili’s, especially in the late summer and fall. Now that Jake has moved out, sometimes it seems sort of pointless to cook for just four people. (Which is silly, I know, families all over the globe only have four members!) Also, Thai Village and Mi Ranchito.
- Your most memorable meal?
Dinner in Paris with Haley after wandering through the Louvre.
We just picked a cafe and hoped the food was good, at it was! I had a roasted chicken and then I ordered three desserts.
Where do I start? Kendell had a cardiac arrest and a heart valve replacement (his third). We found out that Kaleb’s aortic bulge has gotten much worse. Nathan sprained his ankle playing basketball and got a concussion when he fell while rock climbing. I sprained my ankle twice. Jake and Haley were pretty healthy!
- How did you celebrate your birthday?
I confess….I don’t remember. Hmmmmm. Haley came home for her birthday (the day after mine) so we celebrated hers with a family dinner (which sort of feels like celebrating mine, lol.) Probably we went out to dinner. Becky gave me a beautiful table runner she quilted. And I took this bathroom selfie:
Please note: I edited out my sports bra, which was hanging on the doorknob. You're welcome. Also, this is not the blue cardigan I lost.
- What did you make last year?
70 scrapbook layouts. Jake’s graduation quilt. Three baby quilts for gifts.
- What did you lose last year?
My basic belief that Americans will do the right thing. Oh, and my favorite blue cashmere sweater. (And by “lost” I mean “I forgot it was at the dry cleaners and when I went back five months later to get it, they had donated it.” SADNESS. It’s my own damn fault.)
- What did you find last year?
The Christmas dishes I bought in January and forgot about until December, when I found them in the wardrobe where I store some of our decorations. My oldest copy of A Handmaid's Tale. A pile of photos at my mom's house that I hadn't seen in years. I photographed them so I have copies, but then bam! Cardiac arrest the next day, and looking at them gives me trauma now. Here, I'll be brave and pick one to share:
Our family at my sister Michele's wedding. I was twelve, so this was 1984. I wanted to love that dress but it just made me feel flat-chested, lol.
- What is your favorite picture from summer 2016?
at Kendell and Kaleb's birthday dinner in June.
- How did your fitness efforts go?
So rocky. I am the heaviest I’ve been in a long time. Two ankle sprains, two major health events for Kendell, general discouragement did not help anything. But, on a bright note, I did finally solve my lower-back pain issue (by a series of needling appointments with an awesome PT and by getting a stand-up table to scrapbook on) and my hamstrings are doing better. This is the first year in I don’t even know how long that I didn’t run in any races. Hopefully I can get my ankle strong again so I can run more. I did do my weekly hikes of Y mountain nearly every Wednesday this summer.
- What is something new you did?
I went snowshoeing! I know, you’d think that, living in Utah, I’d be all over the snow sports. But I tend to love snow when I am looking at it from the warm side of a window, preferably with nowhere to go and holding something warm to drink. Anyway, Becky took my snowshoeing and it was awesome and now I own snow shoes! I just need someone to go with.
Not only did I get my own snowshoes...I bought my own gaiters. Those are ugly!
- What did you continue to do?
Be inspired by reading. Love making stuff. Overthink everything.
Mowed the lawn almost every Monday throughout the summer. Rake the autumn leaves. Weed and prune.
Turns out, when kid #2 moves out, you end up with an extra room. So, we moved Kaleb downstairs to Nathan’s old room, and shifted Nathan into Jake’s old room, and then I took over Kaleb’s old room for my…well, I don’t know what to call it. The room where I make stuff. It’s not quite finished yet as I lost my momentum before Kendell’s surgery, but I will finish it soon and maybe even post pictures!
- What did you do too much of?
Drinking my calories (pumpkin spice frappuchino with chocolate chips, I’m looking at you). Looking in instead of out. Yelling at Kendell about politics. Falling.
- What did you not do enough of?
Hiking. Kendell and I went on one hike this spring, and Becky and I did a fall hike, and yes, I did my weekly Y hikes, but there was definitely not enough hiking this year. I can’t tell you how badly I want Kendell to be healthy again. Not just for hiking, of course. But, for hiking.
- What experience did you have that you would like to write about but haven’t yet?
I had an essay published in a book called Baring Witness, which is a collection of essays about being a married Mormon person. (Mine actually really has nothing to do with the Mormon part. Just marriage.) I haven’t written about it because I am just not sure if I even should have published it. It’s raw and intimate and maybe too dramatic. But, what I really should’ve written about was the night in September when I got to go read my essay, at a little bookstore in Provo. It was slightly terrifying but so…well, “fun” isn’t exactly the right word, but I enjoyed it immensely and would like to do that every day of my life.
- What adventures did you have?
I have a partly-written essay about my wild night in Paris on my own, but I am going to try to submit it instead of posting it on my blog. But it was equal parts terrifying and life-affirming. Kendell and I had an adventure in the Uintas this fall before his surgery. Nathan and I had a pioneer adventure together.
Nathan DID NOT want to go on the pioneer trek. But as I had been asked to go as the photographer...I made him go with me. It was HOT. He hated it. But I loved it and I'm grateful he would go with me.
- What vacations did you go on? (I think an adventure is often different from a vacation, don’t you?)
Ohio and New York with Kaleb for his 11-year-old trip. Europe with Haley. New York City with Kendell. All awesome trips! I usually (NEVER) travel that much.
Me and Haley in Amsterdam. I would really like to revisit Amsterdam, but with more time.
- What new thing(s) did you acquire?
We had to replace our furnace and air conditioner last January. That was exactly how I wanted to spend $5,000! BUT! My heating bill in December was FIFTY DOLLARS less in 2016 than it was in 2015, so that was awesome! I got a new pan set. I probably bought too many new running clothes (definitely, considering how much I actually ran last year). Bookshelves and that stand-up desk in my scrapbooking room.
- What firsts did you have?
A lot of my firsts have to do with traveling: first non-Italian European vacation, first time in Ohio, first time to sleep in a hotel room by myself. I finally saw a Van Gogh, a Degas, a Vermeer, and many other paintings in person. My first essay was published.
- Did you reconnect with anyone?
Yes! An old friend I hadn’t seen since high school showed up at the library one day just to say hi. I hadn’t seen him since I was 17. It was awesome to reconnect.
- Did you do anything with old friends?
I got to have dinner with Elliot in January which was awesome. I saw Chris twice.I went to lunch and on a walk in the canyon with Brooke.
- Did you make any new friends?
I got together twice with some new scrapbooking friends.
- What surprised you last year?
Waking up to find my husband dying. Oh, wait, “surprise” sort of suggests something good, right? OK. How much having Jacob move out influenced my laundry. I do way less laundry now. Noticeably less. I don’t remember feeling like that when Haley moved out. (Not that I don’t miss him, I do! I just didn’t expect the drop in loads.)
- What did you dress up as for Halloween?
I went as a skeleton. Kaleb was the Hulk and Nathan was…well, “goth” because he dressed in all black, lol.
It was warm enough for bare feet, at least for pictures.
- Where did you eat on Thanksgiving?
My mom’s new house, our first big family party there. I made rolls, cranberry mousse, and dessert.
- What was different this Christmas than any other year?
I had no believers left. Jake didn’t sleep at our house on Christmas eve. The Great Garbage Disposal Leak of 2016. Almost all of the presents were under the tree before Christmas Eve. I didn’t make any fudge.
We always take a family picture at my mom's on Christmas day. My friend pointed out that this is the year of hair: Haley's is dramatically black, the boys all have long hair, and Kendell has none. Mine's just normal!
- What person did you talk to the most?
Aside from Kendell, Becky. Aside from Becky, my friend Julie.
- What is your favorite picture from the last quarter of the year?
at Ellis Island. I'm smiling but deep down I'm just frustrated we couldn't get tickets to climb all the way to the top of the Statue of Liberty.
- What things are you proud of from 2016?
Jake got a 4.0 his senior year and graduated from high school. That was an awesome day! Kendell finished his degree in July. Haley traipsed through Spain for a month. Nathan made several difficult decisions this fall in a thoughtful, grown-up way. Kaleb worked really hard to be personally vested in his grades (instead of relying on me to worry about it) and to get in shape.

- Did you have any major life changes?
Jake moved out. I can’t…I can’t. There is so much sadness there right now for me. I miss him and I’m not sure I didn’t fail him. I look at other mothers and they seem to have such strong relationships with their adult children and mine feel sort of…damaged and difficult. This has changed something in my core self. Is “noticeably sadder than last year” a major life change?
- What was your greatest sorrow?
That my relationships weren’t strong enough and that my ankle continues to fail me. I need to run.
- What was your happiest moment?
Definitely watching Kendell wake up from his coma. I don’t think I wrote about this either, but when they brought him out of sedation, the doctor had prepared me that there would likely be NO response. Within less than fifteen minutes, Kendell was awake. He gestured with his hand (he was still intubated) and I figured out that he wanted a pen, and after some squiggles he was able to write “I can’t breathe.” Oh my. Even now, remembering it? I almost can’t breathe. I was so scared. A close second was Jake’s graduation day. He worked hard to be there.
A rare photo of Kendell not scowling. This was the night of Nathan's prom.
- What did the universe teach you in 2016?
People die. No really: people die. I knew this but I know it so much better now. This has made me both more terrified and also more brave. You have to be good at loving people, at saying it and expressing it, because you don’t know when your chance will be gone. Also, it is true: if you don’t have your health you have nothing.
- Did you manage to get a good family picture? Will you share it?
Our Christmas card photo. Not sure if it's "good," my camera was already misbehaving, but we're color coordinated and everyone is smiling!
(and I am putting a copy of the questions without my answers as a comment, on the off chance that you A—haven’t already reviewed your year and B—would like to use my questions. And if you do, please, leave me a link, or tag me in Facebook or on Instagram (amylsorensen), I promise I’ll come read yours!)