It’s October, my
favorite month! To celebrate, I wore my favorite orange dress to work. Well, I
only own one orange dress, so it’s my favorite by default, but I’ve loved it
for a long time...I bought it twelve years ago! (How can that be?) It’s one of
those classic pieces that don't get dated.
Every time I put
that dress on (which is closer to bittersweet than true orange) I remember how
much I love it. Not so much with the heels I wore today. I mean: they are cute.
Brown leather with a brown leather flower. But my ankle doesn’t get along with
heels and my bunion won’t cooperate with pointy toes...
But still! I
celebrated October with my clothes today. If dinner, homework, the mechanic,
and a small Amy meltdown hadn’t gotten in the way, I would’ve asked Jake to
take a picture for me.
You’ll have to
imagine instead.
I think tomorrow
I’ll celebrate October in a different way (definitely without high heels), but
before we get too deep into my favorite month of the year, a September recap:
Driving. We finally
decided that we need to get Haley a car to have at college. I don’t know if I’m
being overprotective or not...or if I am just worrying too much. But she’s been
riding her bike back to her dorm after work at midnight and 12:30. And it will
snow there soon. I can’t decide: overprotective? Or spoiling her? We drove to a
bunch of different used-car lots to find something decent but still within our
budget. Someone clued Kendell in on the Chevy Prism and that’s what we finally
found. We’ll take it up to her this week or next.
I think that
looking at used cars has been good for Kendell as he’s been able to see that
most cars aren’t in pristine condition, which has helped him realize that my
slovenly ways of car upkeep (read: there are always seven or eight books in the
trunk or the back seat, flopping around, and I have been known to occasionally
leave crumbs, or a Burt’s Bees or two in the door cubbies, and once I even left
an empty water bottle in a cup holder) aren’t quite as bad as they could be.
In other news:
Jacob got his learner’s permit. I repeat: Jake. Is. Driving. That’s all I have
to say. Or all I can say, as my jaw is clenched in terror...
Jake...driving the car we got to take to Haley. It's the first car we've owned since 1995 that isn't silver or white.
(He’s actually doing just fine, and has already driven on the freeway
twice. It’s just so scary, teaching teenagers to drive. It doesn’t seem like
the smartest thing our society has ever decided on.)
Reading. I started The
Interestings. I got halfway through it, in fact. But it wasn’t interesting
enough to really, truly grab me. Instead, when my family drama started to
build and I was feeling sad anyway about Haley being gone and the power went
out...I’ve been doing comfort reading ever since: rereading Harry Potter.
I know. I’m
weird. But it is like slipping into sweats and wool socks, rereading a story
you already know. I like slipping back into that world.
Jake is reading Tarzan
of the Apes for English.
Nathan read The
Giver for his English class; he hated the ending!
I started
reading Mrs. Piggle Wiggle out loud to Kaleb. I loved these books as a
kid. As an adult (and a parent) I think they’re a little bit strange. (I do
wish, though, that I could find a Mrs. Piggle Wiggle-esque cure for all the
video-game-playing that goes on around here.) Kaleb’s loving them, though, so
I’ll stick with them.
Kendell read
nothing. Haley, I’d imagine, read a lot in her biology textbook!
“Exercising.” After the swelling
that came back on Labor Day, I took two entire weeks off from actually moving
my body. I started back up last week, with a mix of running and walking. I was
ridiculously proud of myself on Friday for running 12 blocks. Not even
consecutive blocks! Baby steps I guess. I ran/walked an impressive 20.8 miles
in September! (Sadness.)
Baking. I made four
chocolate zucchini cakes, three loaves of lemon bread, two loaves of pumpkin
bread, and two batches of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. (Yes! I am
still blaming my chubbiness on my ankle!)
Eating. In an effort to
combat said chubbiness, I’ve been trying to eat fewer carbs. (Shhhhh. Ignore
the baking.) Which translates into: smaller portions of rice and potatoes, no
corn, nary a slice of bread except for one PB&H sandwich when I was
desperate one day before work. And no cereal. (I confess: I love cold cereal.
Or oatmeal. Or cream of wheat.) Instead I’ve had eggs nearly every morning for
breakfast. As I love cereal and I do not love eggs, my new goal was immediately
challenged on the first day, when I cracked open an egg and it had a big red
I’ve been
camoflaging that eggy taste with salsa. And reading while I eat because that
way I notice the taste less. And trying to think of some other high-protein,
low carb breakfast food.
Gah. I wish
scrambled eggs tasted like they look like they would.
Cleaning. I’ve gone to my
mom’s house three times this month to help her declutter so she can sell her
house and move. It’s been....a project. We’re not even close to being done, but
have made a big dent. I wish I would've taken a picture of the junk room before we started on it, but imagine this room:

completely full of stuff. Like so full you couldn't see the window.
Nathan was certain I’d find some treasures, but not much
so far: some negatives of some photos of me doing gymnastics. A blue glass
whisky bottle that my dad had saved and which I loved until I washed it and
discovered that it was only blue paint. (Sadness.) A letter from 1981 saying I’d won the
runner-up position in a little-miss-something pageant (I had entirely forgotten
that part of my life until my mom found the letter). A box with a few of the
ornaments from my grandma’s tree. (They are blue so I’ll wash them very, very
carefully.) And a Hall’s Superior autumn leaf mixing bowl.

I think my grandma
owned several of these pieces. Suzette already has some, and Becky is keeping
another bowl we found, but now I’m finding myself wishing I had just two more.
Maybe the curvy little pitcher...
Shopping. Dillard’s had
one of their awesome extra-percentage-off-clearance-items sales. I bought a
couple of things, but Kendell got an awesome deal on four new shirts. I love a
good Dillard’s sale!
Scrapbooking. I made nine
new layouts in September. Six of those are for a BPC workshop I really, really
hope gets picked up. If not, it will be fine as I only ever make things for
classes that I would make if I weren’t doing it for a class—but I am hoping for
more than “fine.” I love what I’ve made so far! I also wrote this post about
writing about color for WCS.
Quilting. I made that
one baby quilt for the shower I went to, and started on two others for a
neighbor (whose baby is already born!) and a family member. Need to finish them
ASAP. I started shopping for pieces for a new quilt for Nathan, as he needs
something new for his new (to’s actually 21 years old) queen-sized
bed. I’m doing a variation on the quilt that’s on the cover of this book:

His will be
shades of green, blue, teal, turquoise, and grey.
It also won’t be
done any time soon, but shopping for scrappy quilts? So much fun!
Photographing. Almost nothing.
I seem to have lost my take-a-picture tick somewhere. I do have this one of me
and Nathan though:

(I desperately need a hair cut. And a color.)
Learning. Italian! You
know...because I am going to Italy in two weeks. I know I won’t be able to
learn an entire language from a book, in a month, by listening to audio stuff.
But at least I can ask where the bathroom is! When I told Jake I was learning
Italian he said “Italian isn’t a real language. They speak Latin in Italy.” and
then I had to very gently correct him...
Please not that
none of this September recap includes hiking. That is because we did zero
What. The. Hell?
crazy as letting a 15-year-old boy drive a real, live automobile!
How was your