One of my scrapbooking failures is that I'm not good at organized stuff or finite projects. I can make some layouts and eventually put them into albums, but that's about it. Things like mini books or December Dailies? I rarely start them anymore because I am learning to be honest with myself, and let's face it: it's rare that I actually finish something finite. Same thing goes with things like Project Life or One Little Word or Photo-a-Day or anything else that requires a scheduled commitment. My scrapbooking time is just too random and unpredictable.
Last year, though, I thought I'd try jumping on the Twelve on 12 bandwagon. The goal is that on the twelfth of each month, you take 12 photos. Then you'd made a layout with those 12 photos, and by the end of the year, voila! Nifty little slice-of-life album. Surely I could manage just taking 12 photos one day a month, right?
I made it through January.
When February 12 came around I was in Salt Lake celebrating my anniversary, and you'd think I could find 12 things to take photos of, but I didn't. I took three pictures that day. And then, even though the there's also the idea that if you missed a 12th you could just take the photos on the 13th, it felt like I'd failed already, because there really SHOULD have been some photographic evidence of that February 12th.
Another scrapbooking fail!
But today, December 12, was a day I was determined to photograph, whether or not I made it to 12 photos. I often in a person's life is there a 12/12/12? Not very often unless one is very long-lived. (I'm pretty sure I won't live to be 140 and a half!)
And, you know, I didn't make it to twelve. But I decided it didn't matter, because some photographic evidence is better than none, right? So, just for fun, my 12/12/12, with a few photos thrown in:
Our day started at 6:30, when Kendell got up to milk the cow check his email (when I'm feeling anti-morning, which is every single day of my life, and he is up all cheery & early, I always joke—in, yes, I confess, a grumbly, WtH sort of voice—that he needs a cow to milk so as to justify his early-morning wake-up habit) and discovered that Krispy Kreme had a buy one dozen get a second dozen free coupon. So we bought donuts for the kids for breakfast. (I tried to be cheery.)
After we got the kids off to school, we went to Salt Lake to do some returns and spend some time together.
On 12:12 p.m. on 12/12/12, I was at City Creek with Kendell:

I bought two pair of boots, both of which I love desperately for completely different reasons, but I really don't need two pair so between now and when the credit card bill comes I need to choose one of them.
We really had a lovely time. We walked around and window shopped at talked and I even managed a photo with Kendell that isn't of his elbow:

We happened to walk past the fountain just as it was starting its splashing-water-synchronized-to-music routine, and the music just happened to be my favorite Christmas carol, the Carol of the Bells:

(Imagine you can hear the bells!)
Then Becky, who works near City Creek, texted me back (she'd been at lunch with Heidikins, the lucky girl!), so we walked back to the Trax stop to see her and say hello. (Becky's life often seems way more glamorous than mine. She does things like work downtown and ride Trax and walk through City Creek and have lunch with bloggy friends on a regular basis. It reminds me that I really am pretty small-town!) We ended up stopping for a beverage and a long talk.

(All photos courtesy of my cell phone. Are you proud of me?)
Then things got boring and every-day-ish: got some gas, picked up the carpool, ran to Target, took Haley to her night class carpool drop-off spot, cooked dinner (chicken curry), and bought some perfect ribbon for Christmas gifts (which I will be wrapping tomorrow!) at Joann.
How was your 12/12/12?