September was supposed to be my Black Month. The month I only wore black clothes and I took a photo of myself every day to prove it. didn’t work out very well. I learned three things: 1. I really do have a lot of black clothes. 2. While I do have a ton of black clothes, and wearing them makes me happy, they are mostly things I wear to work. My favorite thing to wear when I’m having a day at home are my grey sweats and my Pepsi t-shirt; it’s all about being comfortable, not color, on hanging-at-home days. 3. I am not good at self portraits or at asking a kid to take my picture every day. All of which is to say: I want a new black sweater.
I posted a Facebook status one day in late August about a guy I saw at Costco wearing a shirt that said "If I stop running, how will I get home?" which I thought was awesome. A few weeks later my friend Chris stopped by bearing a gift:
(I went running it it the very next day. Nathan says I have Man Shoulders in this photo.)
Her husband is a sign maker but he also does shirts, so she had him make me this. HOW AWESOME IS THAT? Because A—I love it! And B—she is so thoughtful! And C—I got to see her for a little while. And D—the shirt itself is perfect (some running shirts fit weird, or they are too short in the torso, or they smell weird or rub in inconvenient places). And E—it is pink. Awwwww.
Kendell started his biology class. Much complaining ensued about the teacher, until he took the first test and realized it would all be OK. I confess that when he’s complaining about school I have a hard time being sympathetic because I loved going to school. If someone would just pay me to go to school, I would make it my career, earning PhD after PhD. I know...I am a weirdo!
Haley was asked to Homecoming. With goldfish! (It was cute.) We went shopping that very same day and found a dress she loved that wasn’t super expensive. I had to add sleeves to it, but they turned out better than I could’ve hoped for. (I am not the world’s best seamstress.)
I didn't get any awesome & amazing photos of The Dress this time.
She’s also settling in to her Pharm Tech program, which she goes to after school. I was SO anxious about this because I didn’t want it to be too much, but it’s perfect. The teacher is helpful and not too demanding, and she found someone to carpool with.
Jake and Nathan looked forward all month to their scout camp out. They went last weekend to Mia Shalom, which is the camp where the young women go in the summer for girls camp. They went to do some winter maintence to prepare the camp for snow. Sleeping in cabins instead of tents was a big deal, but more than that they were excited for the dinner. One of their leaders brought up a turkey fryer, and then they were planning on frying up some delicious desserts, like fried twinkies. (Which sounds completely disgusting to me, but I guess it’s a teenage boy thing.) Jake was bummed because the turkey was fried in peanut oil so he couldn’t eat any (he’s allergic to peanuts) but the desserts were done in canola oil. He ate seven fried twinkies. That kid! I would share a photo of him but I have NONE this month. He hates having his picture taken. It’s big drama around here.
Nathan got a weird rash on his hand. I was certain he had either flesh-eating bacteria or a parasite—my kids are known for weird rashes but this was something I’d never seen before anywhere. Turns out he must’ve touched some poisonous plant on a hike, and then he had a dermal allergic reaction (I can’t remember the exact name of it). He had to take Prednizone for a week, which I wasn’t happy about, but he didn’t do too badly on it. (I took it when I was 14 or 15 for pleurisy and I swear to you: I bawled for two weeks straight. It was awful.) It didn't stop him from doing a lot of this:

Kaleb had a good, normal month. We went to his parent-teacher conference where I learned that he has a hard time staying quiet and being focused in reading. (I am so not surprised by this.) But everyone at school loves him and he is doing great in math. Plus his teacher told me that he likes to help the other kids with their work, so that is good. Mostly he played a lot with his friends. This photo captures what he loves most right now:
There are also Legos in, well, every room of my home
I made nine scrapbook layouts and sewed three baby blankets. However, I did not achieve my sewing goal, which was to finish Kaleb’s dinosaur quilt. I did get all of the 16-patch squares squared up though, which is a HUGE step. I hate squaring up. I had a new cut & color for my hair, but I don't love my cut and my color is starting to fade. In general, in fact, I hate my hair right now.
I read some books: Pure by Julianna Baggot, Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor, and The End of Everything by Megan Abbott. I also started The Dive from Clausen's Pier but I haven't finished it yet. I also went to a writer's conference at UVU, which shall merit its very own post.
Haley did a fund raiser at UVU for her choir tour. She and her friend Megan went to UVU and were servers at the scholarship ball.
Despite big plans, no real hikes were hiked this month. Sadness, as it has been one of the most beautiful Septembers I can remember.
I had a horrible cold that started on the day I ran the Mt. Nebo half marathon. It took two weeks to get over.
I ran 80.88 miles. It would’ve been more except I took off one week because of that cold.
To celebrate the autumn equinox, I ran Squaw Peak road and then I wore the new orange shirt I've been saving. (It was one of the first non-black shirts I wore in public!) Then I dribbled olive oil on it when we went to dinner that night. Sigh.
Tell me: did you read anything in September that you loved?