and I let the fish go. (Kudos to you if you know what poem that is from!)
A few days ago, Sophia posted a blog challenge: tell what memories or emotions you have associated with certain colors. I've had that line in my head ever since, and so in an effort to remove it from constant repetition, I present to you my Personal Color Symbolism:
Purple was my grandma's favorite color. So for me, purple is connected to unconditional love, the soft, tented skin on old hands, the scent of moisturizer and coffee, and a feeling of being completely and totally safe. When someone asks me "what's your favorite color?" it's generally a
toss-up between purple and green. It's the second most-common color in my flower beds (pink is the first), a great color for scrapbooking, and It's also the color of my kitchen.
Blue is a color I've learned to love. Of course, this is a cliche, but I associate blue with my boys. Jake's blue is navy, Nathan's is summer-sky blue, and I am still discovering Kaleb's. One of my top-ten favorite poems has the word blue in it nine times. And blue is another frequent color in my flowerbeds.
Green is right up there with purple as my favorite color. To me, being outside surrounded by green is one of the best ways to find peace. So for me, green is a very calming color. It's second only to blue in cardstock-quantities on my scrapping shelves, so it is definitely a color I reach for often. I've recently discovered an affinity for the color lime, which previously repulsed me. I'm also intrigued by the green inside of an avocado, how it transitions from light to dark in a nearly-perfect gradation. My favorite gemstone is the emerald, my most-desired European destination is Ireland. And I love the synonyms for the word green: aquamarine, emerald, grass, kelly, pea, beryl, sap, apple, moss, sea. Especially beryl. I love that word.
I really want to like yellow. I admire yellow rooms. I love sunflowers. I like the theory of yellow---cheery and warm. But it's close to the bottom of my favorite-colors list. Still, there might not be anything better than yellow newborn-baby clothes. You know that butter-yellow color that makes the clothes seem softer? Oh, yeah. As in this picture:
(That's Kaleb at about five days old, btw).
I love orange. It's a fall thing for me: there's just something about ripe pumpkins and just-turned-orange oak trees that makes me feel content. It's associated with creativity in my mind, for some reason. When Haley was little, as soon as she could talk (and she was a precious one who talked before she could walk!), she loved orange. She said it "uh lange" and it made her so happy. She had her favorite orange outfit, not to be confused with her favorite overalls, which were orange. She'd constantly want to color with the orange marker or crayon or pencil. But then she turned five and started kindergarten, and one of the first things she learned, somehow, is that girls are supposed to have pink as their favorite color. I'm still sad that she's abandoned orange for pink. However, it is still Nathan's favorite color. He can't get enough of orange t-shirts, and when he was in his "swishy pants" phase (during which jeans of any kind were an abhorrent torture technique), he went through three pair of orange ones. And just last Friday, when we went on our special night, he bought an orange N at the scrapbook store!
Red is a color I wish I looked good in. My sister-in-law Cindy wears a lot of red and she always looks good in it---but me, not so much. I'm always drawn to it in the store, but when I try on anything red, I'm always disappointed with how it looks on me. I don't use it much in scrapbooks, either---not sure why! However, ever since I fell in love with Anne of Green Gables in the fourth grade (thanks, Mom, for that Christmas gift!), I have adored red hair. I've sometimes even had red hair. My Grandma Elsie had red hair (so I'm the time I came along, it was white), and so I always thought that since I have the genes for it, I had a possibility of getting a redheaded baby. Didn't happen. Maybe there'll be a redheaded grandchild in my future. I tease Kendell that I have a redheaded soul and that he's not going to recongize me in the next life! ;)
I love wearing pink. If I had to choose a happy color, pink would be it. It's the color I plant the most in my flowerbeds. Florescent, rose, coral, blush, pale, bright, heathered, faded, deep: I've never met a pink I didn't like! But, although it is my happy color, it is also a sad color for me, because I always wanted, wished, and hoped for one more baby girl to indulge in my pink obsession. So when I walk through the Baby Gap or Gymboree, I feel like I put on a pair of pink blinders so I just don't allow myself to see anything pink.
Black is my color of choice when it comes to clothes. When I was in high school, I went through a serious and extended Goth Girl phase, and while I grew out of the spiked, harsh hair, the black nail polish and dramatic makeup, and most of the drama of the attitude---I'm still most comfortable in black. On any given day, I can usually pull together an all-black outfit. It probably sounds silly. I just like wearing black; it makes me feel unnoticeable---and thus safely armored---all at once.
Since I started this post out with someone else's words that I can't get out of my head, I'm going to finish it that way, too. These are just snippets of bigger pieces that keep running through my head. Someone tell me they're as lovely as I think they are!
"I word old wounds. As usual, they hurt/less." ~Marilyn Hacker
"Making words, we give the private contemplation of each organ to the others, and to others, organize sensations into thoughts." ~ Marilyn Hacker
From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. ~Psalm 61:2
God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. Psalm 62:7
And, finally, the poem I took my title from is Elizabeth Bishop's "The Fish." Read it if you get the chance!