a month of Winter
Kitchen Disasters (+ the winner)

My Crazy Tuesday (and how it benefits you)

Yesterday I:

Got up, made lunches, got kids off to school, went to Nathan's school for his schedule-planning meeting, took Haley's lunch money in, went to Walmart (where I learned the hard way to NEVER go to Walmart on a Tuesday, as it is double coupon day...I didn't even have one little tiny coupon), went to Old Navy, went to B+N, went to Archiver's, raced home to put everything away, scarfed some toast for lunch, went to work (where I got to sit in on a writing workshop hosted by Terry Tempest Williams which shall merit its very own post), came home and picked up Kendell, went to dinner with some of his work friends, went back to the library to get my copy of Refuge signed by T.T. Williams, went to Hobby Lobby to get some cardstock (my contribution to Kaleb's Valentine's Day party tomorrow), picked up In 'n Out for the kids, dropped the food off and then did some Valentunes order pick ups for Haley, came home and got everyone in bed, started a load of laundry, worked on a scrapbooking deadline, hung up the damp clothes, finished Kaleb's Valentine's Day box, and then (finally! and at a very late hour!) went to bed.

Which is sort of how all of my days have gone lately. And which is why I'm oh-so-late at actually sitting down to tell you about this BP class that you can win a seat in:

BPC Grammer image collage
Angie Lucas (the instructor) is one of my favorite people in the scrapbooking world, because she's smart and funny and creative and she cares about words. And please: don't get caught up in the S word. You would like this class if you're a blogger, too. Or if you write in a journal. There's no rule that says you have to get all cutesty on me! Here is the info about the class:

Who's teaching this class? Hi, I'm Angie Lucas, word nerd extraordinaire, and I'll be your Grammar-Free Journaling instructor.
Is "grammar-free journaling" a thing, or did Angie Lucas make it up? Okay, okay, I made it up. The idea is to tell truly compelling stories in creative new formats using the fewest words possible—and to stress less about paragraph flow, sentence structure, transitions, and the rules of writing. What does Angie Lucas have against grammar? Absolutely nothing! I'm willing to bet that I love grammar even more than you do. But just in case you don't like it, I'll show you 12 useful strategies for skipping the grammar altogether.
Who is this "Angie Lucas" anyway? I'm the new Editorial Director at Big Picture Classes, a professional writer and editor since 1998, the founder of Ella Publishing Co., the former managing editor at Simple Scrapbooks magazine, and an average pianist (which is not at all relevant to this workshop).

Just leave me a comment telling me how your Tuesday went, and I'll draw a winner in the morning.

Which is good because the class starts tomorrow!



tuesday was rough it was like a monday because kids didn't have school on monday. getting back into routine is always difficult. thanks for the chance!


My morning was routine but starting right after lunch it got...interesting. I went to the doctor and ended up having to have blood tests and a CT scan then back to the doctor (everything is okay). Then I had an appointment at an older woman's house which went longer than usual. Then I ran a couple of errands which put me home at suppertime. I popped a couple of Marie Callendar dinners in the microwave (and they were yummy), ate and then relaxed for the rest of the evening. I prefer quiet days. And I think this class from Angie would be a great boost to me! Thanks for the chance.


Gosh, I don't remember my Tuesday! Ha! Well, work was one of those take one step forward, two steps back days. Once I got home, the kids were not interested in dinner so that was a challenge. After a bit of playtime, the kids were in bed and I only had ambition to surf the internet. Tuesday's are usually my tired nights.

Kimberly K.

Wow. You had a busy Tuesday. I worked from home all day. Picked up my kids. Finished my daughters science fair project. Finished Valetine's goodies for both kids' classes. Dinner. Baths. Bedtime for all. Nuts as always.

Jill B

Your Tuesday was moving! Our Tuesday was equally busy with routines, work, and Lacrosse practices, dinner, homework and preparations for Wednesday. Isn't it great to have all this fun? I really would not want it any other way. Thanks for the chance to take Angie's class. If you look closely, you will see I need the grammar version. lol. Have a great day!

Christine N

Tuesday I got up and went to work. Worked all day, then came home and crashed. I blogged, and that was about it. Thanks for the chance to win!

deb duty

Tuesday was great! My boys and husband were off for Mardi Gras so I spent the day with my favorite people! Thanks for the chance to win!

Monika Wright

Tuesday was refreshing. After going gangbusters since October preparing orders for my Etsy shop, I actually had time to breathe. I had time to just sit down and enjoy my morning cup of coffee. I didn't keep glancing at the clock several times an hour wondering how much time I had left in my day until it was time to pick up the girls from school and rush to the Post Office. Today was even better. I had time for a Mommy's Day Out and had a haircut, color and even bought some cute lingerie and some fresh make-up. I am feeling positively spoiled by time.

Thanks for asking!

Karen G

Not a good day, woke to a red eye, thought it was pink eye so went to dr. Still don't know what it is. In between homeschooled my kids and ran them to their sports. Go, go, go, but then at night the 4 of us sat around and just chatted, such a fun way to relax in the evening. Today was slightly better.


This weather has my kids under the weather, so it was a stay home day. I spent the day cuddling with my kids and watching movies.
Thanks for the chance.

Lisa S

My Tuesday was a worry day. Nine inches of snow with no delays or school closing so my students were crazed (lots of snow for Texas). My husband and son had to leave in the snow to drive 9 hours to San Antonio for All-State band. Big relief when they arrived.

Claire M

Very busy day for me. When will things slow down at work? Spent most of the day solving an issue that came in mid-day -- delaying what my original agenda was for the day.

This writing class sounds very interesting to me. I'd love to win a seat in it.

Ann Low

My Tuesday wasn't as busy as yours, but busy still. I baked 7 dozen cookies for church, visited some people in our neighborhood (part of my church calling/job), bought flowers and a card for a friend's birthday, felt sorry for myself because I am on day 51 of having an icky cold virus, scrapbooked a page, and made meat loaf for dinner.

I love BPS!

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