Kitchen Disasters (+ the winner)
on Reading Poetry

Use Your Stuff Challenge #6: Product as Inspiration

I decided awhile ago that I don’t really like using chipboard embellishments on my layouts. I can’t really explain exactly why, except for it seems like 90% of them don’t stick like they’re supposed to, or they curl in that wide, strange way that requires a stack of books to flatten out. I don’t love how the thickness makes dents on the page next to the chipboarded one, and, well...I just don’t love it in my books. (Which is to say: not that there’s anything wrong with chipboard.)

I have decided that my not-liking of chipboard is OK. Yes, it's an entire genre of scrapbooking supplies I am rejecting. (Mostly.) But as I am certain there is no law that says I must buy supplies I don't love, I'm being bold and decisive; I'm taking action. Well, if "not buying chipboard anymore because I know it mostly sits in my drawer feeling unloved" is taking action, then yes! I am taking action!

The last time I did a big purge, I got rid of quite a bit of my chipboard. (I sent it to a friend who loves it!) But I still have a few packages I loved despite the chipboard format, and this TCP Studios alpha was one of my exceptions:

  Product as inspiration close up

Mostly I kept it because I loved the color combination—the different shades of blues mixed with spring green and a titch of red—and didn’t want to forget about it. Because sometimes you can find inspiration in the oddest places, but really: how does one organize ideas?

By keeping them in your stash!

I didn’t just keep those chipboard alphas. I also used them on a layout, which really almost feels like getting a BOGO: inspiration and actual product stuck down on a scrapbooking page. Which makes me feel better as, I confess: the recent new releases have sent me on a little bit of a scrappy buying frenzy. New paper! Some new alphas! ( it just me, or does it seem like there are fewer new alphas? I think it’s Silhouette-inspired, as once you own one you can make a bajillion alphas all on your own if you want. So maybe alpha stickers aren’t selling as well?) A few rolls of washi! Some solid twine, too, which I just got this afternoon and have already used on a layout with you can see HERE.

The product I haven’t bought? Chipboard!

The challenge:

1. Stir through your drawers/boxes/storage compartments to find some sort of embellishment that’s still in its packaging.

2. Use it as an inspiration piece for a layout.

3. Use at least one other "old" supply.

3. Bonus points if you also use some of the embellishments on your layout!

Here’s mine:

Amy Sorensen product inspiration use your stuff challenge

Those alphas are old. So is the patterned paper. In fact, I know all of these supplies are sort-of old because I remember buying them at Roberts—the craft store here that went out of business last January. Still sad about that. But happy at using some older stuff. And...I love these photos of Jake. I loved that entire afternoon, in fact, and have scrapped about it more than once twice ok maybe five or six different layouts. It was a good afternoon. Notice the date—almost exactly five years ago. I hope we have a beautifully-chilly/warm February 18 this year, too. I'm ready for some fresh air.

Anyway! Hook me up if you play along! And, if no playing along is in your future, at least tell me: Is there a scrapbooking supply you don't really love?

(PS, if you were wondering "does this layout make Amy wish she could write in a straight line?" the answer is yes. I wish I could write in a straight line. Maybe when I'm a grown-up I'll manage it...)




I like your scrapbooking style.

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